Cold Case Wiki
Henry Floyd
Henry in 2003
Henry Floyd
Portrayed by Rhino Michaels
Episode The Hitchhiker
Status Arrested

Henry Floyd was a long-haul trucker with a long rap sheet for offenses like attempted rape, con artistry, and theft in various states, including Philadelphia. In 2000, he picked up, robbed, and shot a young male hitchhiker named Chuck Praska in New Jersey. Three years later, he repeated the crime in Delaware, picking up, robbing, and shooting another young male hitchhiker named Brian Fritz. Both victims were killed while hitching home after winning money in Atlantic City.

Floyd had a "girlfriend" named Janice Burns, a prostitute who lived in Philadelphia. Whenever Floyd visited Janice, he would eat all of her food and have sex with her, whether she wanted him to or not; whenever Janice locked her door, Floyd would take it off of the hinges and become even more violent with Janice, who never reported Floyd because she was afraid that Floyd would kill her for ratting him out to the Philadelphia PD.

Four weeks after the Delaware murder, Floyd became a suspect in both it and the New Jersey murder, as well as the murder Matt Mills in Philadelphia in 1997. While being interrogated, Floyd plead ignorance, but not so subtly implied that he was going to murder Janice for speaking with Detectives Lilly Rush and Scotty Valens. Floyd passed a polygraph test about all three of the murders, but evidence was eventually found that conclusively linked him to the ones committed in New Jersey and Delaware. There was nothing connecting him to Matt's murder, however, and it was eventually discovered that Matt was actually killed by his cousin, Blaine Robbins.

As Blaine was being led to a holding cell, Floyd was shown being taken out of his, to face charges in both New Jersey and Delaware.
